Solution List

What are the good things that people are doing?

The article on the left (click the image to read it in full) makes a compelling case that we need to focus on empowering our students with solutions rather than crushing them with dismay.

There is active debate about the relative importance of individual action and political activism.

We need both. We shouldn't shy away from helping out students work towards a better society. But, equally, small, individual wins can be empowering so long as we recognise they are part of the solution.

Solutions to climate change

The definitive list of climate solutions comes from project drawdown. They range from carpooling to "multistrata agroforestry". A book and several videos are also available.

Professor Mark Maslin, author of 'How to Save Our Planet: The Facts' has produced this list of actions that individuals can take to have a positive impact on climate action.

Solutions to Biodiversity Loss

Evidence suggests that people who are more connected to nature make more pro-nature behaviour choices.

To find out what the most worthwhile behaviours were, researchers asked expert scientists to rank actions. The final list of pro-nature behaviours is instructive.

I prepared a staff workshop on Nature Connectedness, which can be (re)watched any time.